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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Story Elements

What are the Roles of Story Elements?

A story has basic six elements that divide the story to multiple parts. These components are Character(s), theme, plot, setting, conflict, and narrator. These elements make the story running smoothly and efficiently. It keeps the reader on follow and expects what the story is revolves around. The elements of the story make the reader analyze the story despite it's children story or an adult story. It's illustrate who is the protagonist, antagonist, where and when the story takes place, and what the conflicts are. When the readers know these details, the story becomes simple and easy understanding to them. The author of the story uses these elements to guide readers to understand plots and imply theme that summarize the message of the story. In Children books, the author tries to put necessary and clear elements to make children understand the story obviously and attach pictures to illustrate these elements through fantasy images and graphics especially for babies.

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