Chapter Six
Daddiami Arriving

Amigee is preparing a special dinner, Abugee is happy. Hamza is excited. I have invited Margarita to celebrate my Daddiami coming. Amigee sets
a new room for her. Daddimai is very tired. She went to the bed
early. I ‘m very happy she is here.
A week passed and Abugee is taking us to the Mall. We
want to show her how Canada is beautiful and safe. During our walk in the
mall, we suddenly meet our relatives’ family who recognized Daddiami; they
invite us to visit their house.
After a few days, Daddiami gets sick from the cold
weather, and has a pain in her chest as well. Abugee takes her to the hospital. Hamza and I are very sad about her. I pray for her.
Days went by. She becomes worse in the hospital; she does not
like Canada at all because she misses her home in Pakistan.
We are busy about Daddiami. I cannot go to school for a couple of days. After
two weeks my Daddiami passed away. I’m so sad for her. Hamza is crying in
his bed. Abugee feels very depressed.
This event changes my life; I and Hamza
cannot play or go to school. The plants began to wilt after Daddiami left.
Years have gone by, I’m in grade nine now and my talent has
appeared. I begin spending all my time writing my memories about my
childhood in Pakistan, the beautiful days with Daddiami, and our trips together
in Canada. I am writing in Urdu and English. My grade nine teacher encourages
me to write short stories. I spend all my school time writing and drawing pictures.
My Amigee says, “Does this mean you will be an author in the future”. I say, “My passion in writing is growing fast Amigee and I hope
to be famous author somehow.”
Hamza has become a famous hockey player, he spends all his time playing with his team. No
matter if I feel alone at home. He says, “You are a girl, you have to stay at
home” I nod. It wasn’t very nice. Maybe he is right.
About a week later, our relatives Ismael and his mother visit us. We
are in the same high school. He sees my talent in writing stories. He asks if he can read some stories I have
written. I really feel happy when I talk to him. I see the admiration in his
eyes. He helps me to get rid of
depression and isolation that I put myself in after Daddiami left.
He says, “You have to look for a publisher who can see your writing”.
So I ask “Do you think it is easy to publish any writing?"I have to develop my
English first then think about publishing stories. He says, “Do not worry, I support you.”
After I finished high school, I and Ismael engaged; we
decide to spend our lives together and work together to become successful
couple. I published my first book (Beautiful Princess) in 2002 and Ismael
became a famous painter. I am sure Daddiami is watching over me and happy
for me. No one can stop my dreams.
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