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My Childhood Memories

My childhood days were filled with fun and laughter, like those of most children. We lived in big house with my parents and three sisters. Though I am the middle girl, we were playing together. When I was little, Cinderella is the Disney princess I tried coping the most, in term of clothing. During the summer, I would spend most of the day at my Nona’s house because she was telling me adventure stories. When I was eight years old, my mom was reading me different types of stories for example, Cinderella, The Mermaid, and Beauty and the beast. On age 6, I start watching cartoon on TV like Barbie, Mermaid, and Tom and Jerry. I enjoy solve puzzles with my sisters. At age 7, I start my grade 1 at school. I start reading kid books and understand the illustration of picture books. 
In the school, I was very smart and enthusiastic girl. I was studying every day and finish my homework early. I remember the succession of my sessions in Math, Arabic and English. I had many friends; we were playing in the school yard. 
Reading children books was important part in my childhood, I watched a lot of picture books and adventure stories. I was spending my time in drawing pictures. 
The passion of reading and listening stories begun when my parents read stories in my early childhood. The illustration of pictures and simple words made me analyze the theme of the story and think about the character and images. This course expanded the knowledge of children stories in early childhood and encouraged me to read more stories to my kids in the future. 

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