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Wednesday 2 December 2015

Is A New Life Story Similar to Other Story?

 A New Life Story

Every person has a life story. The story of Khadija is similar to my life story. Before three years when my family and I decided to travel from my country Iraq and come to Canada, the challenges of new land began. The life was uneasy regardless of have many relatives in Canada. The difficulties of new language and new culture affected my ability to adapt new culture quickly. First, I joined school to improve my English. Then I got a part time job in Community Center as helper for new refugees. 
After I became speak English well and my communication skills has improved in class, I began have friends in school and work. These changes have influenced my life, it's encouraged me to work and study hard to find a better job. Therefore, I decided to continue studying in order have bright future and comfortable lifestyle.
In A New Life story, Khadija's family decided to move to new land Canada and leave Pakistan in order to start new life, which was same my goal and dream. Khadija faced the difficult of new language in school; she exposed to ridicule students for her different appearance. Therefore, she changed her appearance by taking shower every day in order to have better shape. She started to looks for assistance from her teacher for gaining communication improvement with students. She took the tutorial lessons for learning English fast.  
Khadija and I worked hard for adapt Canada's lifestyle and in return take the advantages of developed education in schools. We both learned the importance of achieve goals and continue learning and studying. 
A New Life story by Rukhsana Khan is very interesting and touching. It reveals children life in new land and the difficulties of immigrants life. It negotiates Khadija's life in the past and the lifestyle of Canada. On the other hand, my own story depicted the difficulties of new citizen in country with new English language and new people.  


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